Gerald Henriksen <> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jul 2017 21:06:45 +0200, you wrote:
> >Why is not providing /usr/bin/python more use hostile? Why is it better
> >for any script to use /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python3?  
> Because any user of Fedora trying to learn Python using either books
> or online sources will be told to type "python" and said user will
> expect it to work.

Those instructions are indeed part of the problem.

> Or they know python, use it, but don't care about the details of
> versions, and so just expect to type "python" and it works because
> thats what upstream decided?

If they don't care about the details of versions, then their code can't
be expected to work on other versions than the one they have on their
workstation, and their shebang line should be versioned to reflect this.

Björn Persson

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