On Fri, Jul 28, 2017, at 01:53 PM, Randy Barlow wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-07-28 at 12:41 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> > I'm opposed to switching the meaning of `/usr/bin/python` for AH
> > anytime soon.  It's just going to break stuff, and to me the gain is
> > quite
> > low.
> One of Fedora's stated goals is to remain close to the upstream.
> Upstream Python is going to change /usr/bin/python to mean Python 3. If
> AH keeps it on Python 2, it will be confusing for Python programmers
> using AH. It will be especially confusing for programmers who want to
> write software that works on "normal" Fedora and AH.

First, I don't see a need for even mild pejoratives; instead of "normal" you 
could say
for example "other editions".

Now, we don't really expect people "program" AH directly in that sense;
most development should go in containers, except for development of
the various Python things we carry in the host, but that's not a huge set.

> Also, as software
> begins to switch AH will have to patch its Python packages, diverging
> from the rest of Fedora.

That's actually something I hadn't even considered; is it proposed
here to actually have a flag day where all (or even some) of the python3 
start using /usr/bin/python and everything else is /usr/bin/python2?
The scope of that would appear to me to be quite staggering.

Are we really at the point even where everything that's python2 only
explicitly references /usr/bin/python2?  I'm doubtful.

> I don't see a practical advantage to divergence. I believe the
> divergence will break stuff in a more confusing manner than the change
> will.

I don't want to break Ansible users or in general random sysadmin scripts;
the value of replacing the meaning of /usr/bin/python feels quite low relative
to that.
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