On 28 July 2017 at 03:15, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> Do you think it'd be possible to script the python-foo to python2-foo
> renaming? If yes, then maybe it'd make sense to just get some pps to
> do it in rawhide now and get the "easy" part done with? That should
> significantly cut down on the number of misnamed packages and let
> packagers spend their times on the ones where the automatic way is not
> obvious.

I was going to ask whether it might be possible to tweak
http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/ to also report on compliance with the
naming policy, but then I went and saw that it *does* already report
on that: http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/namingpolicy/

While it also turns out the wiki page already links to that page, it
may be good to call it out a second time in a "How can I help?"

Checking an initial sampling of spec files (python-d2to1,
python-BeautfulSoup, python-amqplib) suggests to me that a script
implementing the following rules might offer a reasonably start point,
at least for Python-2-only modules that are remaining Python-2-only:

- immediately before the first BuildRequires or Requires entry, add a
%package section header for "-n python2-<name>" (where "<name>" is the
lowercased package source name with any "python-" prefix stripped)
- add a %python_provides entry after the new package header in
accordance with the current guidelines
- if the original package provided a non-lowercase "python-*"
provides, remote it and add a second %python_provides with the
original capitalisation
- if the source package lacks the "python-" prefix, add a virtual
provides for the unqualified package name
- add a "-n python2-<name>" qualifier to any currently unqualified
description and files sections

A script like that may even do a tolerable job for packages that *do*
offer Python 3 subpackages (since those will already have qualifiers,
and will necessarily appear after any unqualified runtime and build
requirements for the default subpackage).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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