On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:36:29AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 27.7.2017 v 10:05 Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
> >> 2) The "contributors" list does not appear to be correct. Looking at
> >> "ruby", there is listed "tagoh" user, who is in pkgdb "Obsolete" on all
> >> branches. Is it old data on staging? Not sure when he was obsoleted in
> >> pkgdb ....
> > The timeline shows he was obsoleted in December 2016,
> Ah, I knew the information must be visible somewhere. This leads me to
> question is similar information accessible in pagure somewhere? ;)
> But anyway, I was not sure about the age of the data in staging, since
> for example the ruby repo says it was "created 19h ago" and the "recent
> commit in master committed 8 months ago". This does not corresponds with
> the official dist-git (actually neither the repo age nor the recent commit).

This make sense, the date created is the date of the creation of the project on
pagure so independent from the git repo history.

> Looking at f26 branch [1], the last commit is from 12 years ago? The
> branch was created around 1st of March, so what is the content?

The content of the git repo is probably an old snapshot of prod. I honestly
don't remember when we last sync ited, I'm less worried about this part as 
doesn't touch it, while about the sync from pkgdb is new.

Pkgdb in stg is now in sync with prod, let's reload the data in pagure :)

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