On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>
> [chris@f26s ~]$ sudo dnf update
> Waiting for process with pid 3379 to finish.
> ^CKeyboardInterrupt: Terminated.

I haven't seen this exact problem (timer blocking standard dnf command),
but I started experience dnf hangs when downloading repo metadata or
packages. Dnf simply hangs and no amount of waiting fixes it (I waited 10
minutes, no message printed to terminal, no new message in dnf.librepo.log,
still hanging). We tried to debug this today on #yum channel, but the logs
look fine, cause is unknown.

Also, Ctrl+C doesn't work while in this state. I have to send SIGTERM to
dnf to kill it. Once I run it again, everything works fine.

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