On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 12:45:27PM +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 16.07.2017 14:10, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Debarshi Ray wrote:
> >> How about reliable online updates of running applications as a
> >> benefit?
> > 
> > Upgrading RPM applications online just works. I do it all the time. The KDE 
> > tools do not even implement offline updates (and IMHO that's a good thing). 
> > The worst that can happen is that some recalcitrant applications (by far 
> > the 
> > minority) need to be restarted after updating (or if you upgraded the whole 
> > desktop, then your session may need to be restarted after updating). Until 
> > you do that, the current session may be "hosed" to some extent, but 
> > restarting will fix it.
> no, the worst case is this:
> https://www.happyassassin.net/2016/10/04/x-crash-during-fedora-update-when-system-has-hybrid-graphics-and-systemd-udev-is-in-update/

I had this kind of fun problem upgrading F25 -> F26. I was lazy and didn't
want to reboot so I was just running dnf distro-sync in a gnome-terminal
session. I've upgrade this way since F6 and mostly it just works,  but
forgot to nohup it. About 1/3 of the way through installing new packages,
something causes gnome-terminal to die. I had to write a script to read
the dnf planned transaction log and finish installing and erasing remaining
packages, and manually run any %posttrans scripts.

So yeah, even with latest Fedora things can & do go horribly wrong if you
ignore the advice to not run upgrades from a live system.

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