On 14 July 2017 at 20:28, Andreas Tunek <andreas.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this really more reliable than using dnf (for graphical packages
> like Recepies and Builder)?

It's hugely more reliable. You can't actually trust rpm to do anything
atomically, and this is the main reason we force upgrade to be offline
in the workstation product. Just doing this one step reduced the
number of people experiencing the dead-system-after-upgrading bugs by
two order of magnitude, but it SUCKS to have to reboot to apply
application updates. Doing live updates with rpm is a bit like doing
maintenance on your car engine while driving down the freeway. Most of
the time it's fine, and you feel awesome. 0.001% of the time you die
in a huge fireball.

> What exactly is it that makes flatpaks
> more reliable?

They are *designed* to be updated atomically. You can safely update
application from a->b->c all running any permutation of running
processes and flatpak makes sure that the running app is only cleaned
up when the last instance is closed. RPM is an awesome system for
building the OS, just not managing *apps*. Flatpak is that awesome
thing for apps.

Richard, the man that gets to triage the "live updates hosed my system" bugs.
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