On Tuesday, 11 July 2017 at 22:26, Florian Weimer wrote:
> I ran into this unannounced change:
>   https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Stop_Building_i686_Kernels

I noticed this is categorized as self-contained, which I think is wrong.

I also have hardware that would no longer run Fedora after such change
(a netbook with an older Intel Atom CPU which supports SSE2, but is
32bit). Unless the change proponent can provide some numbers suggesting
that 32bit users are a tiny minority of our userbase, I'll probably
be against such change.

> If this is accepted, all x86 hardware on which Fedora can run will
> support SSE2, and we should reflect that in the i686 build flags.
> How likely is it that this proposal is accepted?  Ideally, we would know
> this before the mass rebuild so that we can change the compiler flags in
> redhat-rpm-config.

Considering that SSE2 was introduced by Intel in 2001 and AMD caught up
with it in 2003, I'd be +1 (with my FESCo hat on) to requiring SSE2,
regardless of whether the above change is accepted.

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