On 29/06/17 15:49, Owen Taylor wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 04:07:43PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote: 
>>   * One or more streams corresponding to "end of life no earlier than",
>>     in the format "YYMM". (Or "eolYYMM"? Or "eYYMM"? Or "uYYMM" for
>>     'until'? Or "fYYMM" for 'fedora' — which might make sense if we get
>>     to my dream of mixing and matching with CentOS modules....)
> Hmmm, I see a couple of issues:
>  * Aren't people in July 2018 going to think f1806 is the current stream,
>    not a two-year old stream?
> Owen

Also, there would be a big potential for one-off confusion* in a year or
two when people are seeing e2006, e2012, f2012, or whatever, and get the
impression that they're looking at seven or twelve year old releases,
instead of the latest.

* Well, for the next 101 years, anyway.

J. Randall Owens | http://www.GhiaPet.net/

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