On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 10:22:35AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> I hate the "self contained" vs "system wide" distinction, but since we
> have it, shouldn't this be "system wide" change?

Yeah, because:

> > == Scope ==
> > Proposal owners:
> > - Update nodejs
> > - Rebuild all binary modules, apply patches as necessary
> >
> > * Other developers:
> > Other Node.js packagers' attention may be required if the update
> > causes issues for their packages.

Generally, self-contained changes should have all of the work being
done by the owners, not asking work of other people. But, I guess it
somewhat depends on how many other packagers are affected and how
strong that "may be required" is.

But, I think better than making this system-wide would be to have the
Node SIG as a whole sign on to making sure all node packages in Fedora
are updated; from the Changes policy, "Examples include addition of a
group of leaf packages, or a coordinated effort within a SIG with
limited impact outside the SIG's functional area."

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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