On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 12:09:48PM +0200, Rafal Luzynski wrote:
> Hi,
> 8.05.2017 16:40 Jorge Gallegos <k...@blegh.net> wrote:
> > [...]
> > [root@ragnia ~]# dnf group remove "Cinnamon Desktop"
> > Last metadata expiration check: 2:18:50 ago on Mon May 8 07:18:18 2017.
> > Dependencies resolved.
> > Error: The operation would result in removing the following protected
> > packages: dnf, systemd, systemd-udev.
> 1. Have you fixed your problem already?
I have not, but since it's not my main workstation I can live with that
for now

> 2. I guess that dnf history undo would do the job.

Hrm, I haven't looked at dnf history, fwiw this is the rough timeline of

1. install fedora 23 workstation (comes with gnome)
2. dnf group install "Cinnamon Desktop"
3. live with it for a year or so
4. fedora-upgrade to fedora 24, then to 25
5. found the alleged bug

As you can see, the "original" DE was gnome, unsure how Cinnamon
packages are taking over dependencies, I am going to test Dan's approach
and not uninstall dependencies (only components of the group)

> 3. What is your Fedora version (or what is your distro if it is
> not Fedora) and what desktop environment did you have installed
> before installing Cinnamon Desktop? My guess is that Cinnamon
> replaced (uninstalled) some components of your previous desktop
> which are required by whole OS. So now when you uninstall Cinnamon
> you also uninstall those obligatory components. Instead (or rather
> before) uninstalling them you'd have to reinstall your previous
> desktop. But that's my guess only.
> It may be a bug or it may not be a bug. We will not know without
> trying to reproduce. Or it may be a bug but not worth fixing because
> probably a workaround exists and probably switching desktops is
> considered too advanced to be worth making easier.
> Regards,
> Rafal


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