On Tue, 2017-05-09 at 17:17 +0900, Takao Fujiwara wrote:
> As I explained in Fedora 25, now the emoji typing is available in
> IBus panel menu.
> ibus-1.5.15-8.fc26 is now available in koji or copr.
> I moved the emoji function in IBusEngineSimple to a panel component.
> The UI is designed to work as an extended IBus lookup window which
> can commit an emoji without mouse using Space, Enter and Arrow keys
> and expected to be useful for both CLI and GUI users.
> The shortcut key Ctrl-Shift-e is customizable with ibus-setup
> utility.
> If this is comfortable for you, I'd like to implement the similar UI
> for gnome-shell.

Ctrl+shift+e might already be used in applications. (for example in
Gimp it fits the image to the window, in the Firefox Tab Groups
extension itopens the group management page, etc...)

I think for GNOME Shell the shortcuts are usually with the super key,
(e.g super+space to switch input sources), to avoid clashing with
application shortcuts.

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