On 27 April 2017 at 02:30, Colin Walters <walt...@verbum.org> wrote:
> I'll note as an aside that the other host system
> management tool we use in Fedora is rpm-ostree, part of
> Atomic Host: https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree
> Due to the read-only bind mount over /usr provided by the ostree layer,
> pip fails today:
> # rpm-ostree status
> State: idle
> Deployments:
> ● fedora-atomic:fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host
>              Version: 25.89 (2017-03-26 21:04:50)
>               Commit: 
> 6a71adb06bc296c19839e951c38dc0b71ee5d7a82262fef9612f256f0c2a70da
>               OSName: fedora-atomic
> # pip install  markdown2
> ...
>     error: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: 
> '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/markdown2.py'
> Which is expected, and IMO a good thing.  (Although I'm a bit
> surprised that we ship /usr/bin/pip in AH...but that's another issue)

It's an artifact of the way that Fedora implements the standard
library's `venv` module without bundling a second copy of `pip` inside
the `python` package: instead there's a circular runtime dependency
between `python` and `python-pip`, and the venv module is patched to
convert the system level pip back into a wheel archive, which it then
installs into the created virtual environments.

It's definitely not pretty, but it works.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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