Hello folks!

For the transition from Yumex-DNF to DNFDragora, I have added the following weak-deps to the corresponding libyui-$UI packages:

For GTK-based DEs (libyui-gtk):

# For Cinnamon.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and cinnamon%{?_isa})
# For LXDE.
# For Cinnamon.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and cinnamon%{?_isa})
# For LXDE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and lxsession%{?_isa})
# For MATE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and mate-desktop%{?_isa})
# For XFCE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and lxsession%{?_isa})
# For MATE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and mate-desktop%{?_isa})
# For XFCE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and xfdesktop%{?_isa})

For Qt-based DEs (libyui-qt):

# For Hawaii.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and hawaii-workspace%{?_isa})
# For LXQt.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and lxqt-session%{?_isa})
# For KDE.
Supplements:   (libyui%{?_isa} and plasma-desktop%{?_isa})

If I missed out any DE or there should be changes for the corresponding DE's package, let me know.

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