On Mon, 2017-03-27 at 15:33 +0200, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> Michael Catanzaro píše v Po 27. 03. 2017 v 08:17 -0500:
> > On Thu, 2017-03-23 at 11:14 +0100, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I wonder if it's just me or others also have problems with
> > > performance
> > > of Pagure. Pagure is always slower for me than e.g. Github, but
> > > it's
> > > bearable. However, there are times when I have to wait easily 30-60
> > > sec
> > > to load a page which makes Pagure almost impossible to work with.
> > > 
> > > Jiri
> > 
> > To answer the original question: yes, Pagure is absurdly slow for me.
> > 30-60 second range.
> And you're located in the US, so it's not because of the distance as
> some suggested.
> As I said it's usually pretty slow for me (up to 5s) which can be
> explained by distance, but 30-60s lags must be some performance issues
> in peak times. I observed that Pagure is fastest for me during weekend
> which would be pointing to performance issues, too.

It never used to be like that, it's probably just load as more and more
stuff is moved to it.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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