On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 10:47:08AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Hello and welcome!
> Dne 24.3.2017 v 18:10 Pouar napsal(a):
> > Hi, I'm Travis (aka Pouar in the Furry Fandom) and I'm hoping to become
> > a package co-maintainer (assuming there are any packages needing one,
> > not sure where to find them so I might need help).
> I guess most of the packages needs co-maintainers. I don't think there
> is specific list of such packages, but sometimes somebody ask on this
> list for help. You can find list of all packages in Package Database
> [1]. Probably good to start with some you are using and find some issues
> or they are not available in the latest version probably.
> > If not there are a
> > few packages I could probably submit, but I'm not exactly available 24/7
> > atm.
> Don't worry, you don't need to be available 24/7 to submit package into
> Fedora.
> Vít
> >  I've been using Linux since around 2010, although atm my primary
> > distro is Arch, but I still use Fedora on systems where I don't have the
> > time/motivation to setup Arch on (I like both distros). I haven't really
> > did very many big open source projects. On Github I have a heavily
> > modified branch of Cataclysm-DDA (custom tileset no longer works with
> > upstream due to an upstream bug and I haven't updated the branch since),
> > an example identicon generator based off of xxHash that generates
> > Fursonas (a C variant and a PHP variant). I also have a game written in
> > a subset of KornShell I was working on that I never released yet due to
> > me not finishing it. I've been wanting to become a Fedora contributor
> > for a while, but didn't really get the confidence until around now.
> > Being a co-maintainer for a package might be something I can actually
> > pull off, assuming any instructions given are specific enough as I'm not
> > exactly good at communicating with people.

what are the areas you'd be interested in (languages, specific areas
like games / desktop / web / graphics / music, bugfixing or programming,

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