Is this a bug? How is it possible for a virtual device to be the #1
consumer of power?

Power est.              Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
  3.58 W      0.0 pkts/s                Device         nic:virbr0
  364 mW     88.5 ms/s      55.2        Process        [PID 1723]
  310 mW      4.7 ms/s     158.7        Interrupt      PS/2 Touchpad /
Keyboard / Mouse
  182 mW     43.0 ms/s      29.9        Process        [PID 6895]
  106 mW     30.3 ms/s       9.2        Process        [PID 2944]
/usr/bin/gedit --gapplication-service
 97.7 mW     19.6%                      Device         Display backlight

[chris@f25h ~]$ nmcli
virbr0: connected to virbr0
    bridge, 52:54:00:BD:E4:EF, sw, mtu 1500

wlo1: connected to altitude
    "Intel Wireless 8260"
    wifi (iwlwifi), 00:C2:C6:F0:52:53, hw
    ip4 default, ip6 default
    inet6 2601:282:700:8c78:aebd:b40d:610e:549d/64
    inet6 2601:282:700:8c78::9584/128
    inet6 fe80::88f8:99f1:893b:f117/64
    route6 2601:282:700:8c78::/64

lo: unmanaged
    loopback (unknown), 00:00:00:00:00:00, sw, mtu 65536

virbr0-nic: unmanaged
    tun, 52:54:00:BD:E4:EF, sw, mtu 1500

Chris Murphy
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