There was an issue[1] with GCC7 during the mass-rebuild. Despite the Fedora-wide setting of -Werror=format-security, GCC did not process its command-line properly and an unknown number of packages were built without this flag appropriately set. As a result, all of those packages built successfully during the mass-rebuild, where many should in fact have reported compilation errors and been rejected.
As part of the modular builds that the Base Runtime is performing, we need to rebuild all packages that are going into the base runtime (as well as the set of packages required to self-host the base runtime). Because GCC has been updated to properly handle the CLI arguments, somewhere between two and three dozen packages now throw errors on building. Because we are under time-constraints, Petr Šabata and myself will be using our provenpackager privileges to apply patches to these packages without waiting for maintainer correspondence. The patches will be very simple, as the fix for this issue will be in most cases the equivalent of replacing printf(variable) with printf("%s", variable) In very rare cases where the fix is non-obvious, we may take the short-term solution of setting -Wno-format-security for that package and open a Bugzilla for the maintainer to fix it properly (or engage upstream to do the same). [1]
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