On 03/14/2017 03:46 PM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
This problem is waaaay bigger than you may be thinking. Above it is
only tip of the iceberg ..
# dnf list | grep -- -static | grep -c x86_64
This includes all available packages, but if you look at the actual
usage on an average system, i.e. only static packages that are actually
pulled in by requirements, it is much, much less. It seems that static
packages are primarily available because some package managers perceive
a potential need for static linking; for instance I see many scientific
libraries (HDF, CDF, scalapack, FFTW), and in that case there is a
residual speed effect and the statically linked applications have a
(perhaps no longer deserved) reputation for being more easily distributable.
I checked on my F25 where I pretty much install everything I might ever
need (6400 packages), and there are just 2 static packages:
I think you'd have to explicitly load most of them to get up to 196.
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