>>>>> "SM" == Sandro Mani <manisan...@gmail.com> writes:

SM> So just for curiosity, does the tooling allow an arbitrary name for
SM> the specfile and does it just pick the first one it finds when
SM> building the SRPM?

There is no one "tooling".  fedpkg/pyrpkg will try to find the spec
named after the package and then will basically pick one.  You should
assume that the choice is random.

Things like the nightly specfile tarball simply won't include any spec
for the package at all.  Other tooling might break completely.

Personally I'd like to allow the spec to alternately be called "spec" as
the package name itself can be otherwise inferred, but for now there is
only one legal spec file name.

Now that F26 has branched, I should probably just do a search over
rawhide and fix any packages that have this issue.

 - J<
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