On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 08:46:19PM -0500, Randy Barlow wrote:
> Hello!
> In working on packaging Ampache, I found a dependency that has a
> bundled version of this file:
> https://github.com/kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator/blob/master/js/qrcode.js
> I started working on doing the right thing and packaging that file
> separately, but it seems that the repository also has qrcode
> implementations for ActionScript, Java, PHP, and more. That's a lot of
> work for me just to get that one js file packaged, and I don't have
> anything that depends on those other implementations at this time.
> Is it ok to just name my source package js-qrcode-generator and package
> just the js bits of it, or do I need to name my package qrcode-
> generator? If the latter, would I be compelled to package all those
> language implementations as subpackages, or could I package just the JS
> one for now and wait to see if anyone files an issue to request the
> other languages in the future? I'm not very familiar with the packaging
> guidelines for all of those languages, so it would be tricky to get it
> right for all of them.

I think you should name the package qrcode-generator, and build
a js-qrcode-generator binary package from it. I don't think there's
any rule that binding for all languages must be build. (One example
I remember is libsbml, which has C, R, C#, octave, perl, python 2, 3,
and ruby bindings. In the initial review, only a subset built
correctly, and the other ones were added later on.)

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