On Tue, 2017-02-07 at 13:08 +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 7.2.2017 v 11:32 Michal Cyprian napsal(a):
> > Ruby on Fedora uses /usr/local/share/gems/ for packages installed
> > as a root via gem tool for many years.
> Since you refer to Ruby, I just want to highlight that
> /usr/local/share/gems/ is for packages installed by *root* via gem
> too (as you correctly said) [1]. We assume that root manages the
> entire system and wants installed packages to be available system
> wide. I don't expect this is widely used practice. Typical user
> installed packages goes into $HOME/.gem. Is there any location
> similar to this?

Yes, under ~/.local/lib/

It's what you get with `pip install --user $module`.

> As far as I know, our users very appreciate the possibility to do
> "gem install" without administrator privileges.

So do Python developers. It's very commonly used.

But even more common is to use virtual environments, one per


I strongly feel this feature is a move in the wrong direction. I've
never met a Python developer (and I'm one myself) installing modules
system-wide with Pip. It seems to me the only people doing that are
people who follow bad documentations.

IMHO a much better (and simpler) way to fix the (very real) issue of
unsuspecting users damaging their systems would be for pip to refuse to
run with root permissions.

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