On Wed, 14.07.10 12:32, James Antill (ja...@fedoraproject.org) wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 10:58 -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> > Lennart Poettering (mzerq...@0pointer.de) said: 
> > > Since the acceptance by FESCO it has been added to Rawhide together with
> > > patched or updated versions of a few related packages. However, what has
> > > not been done so far is making it the default in Rawhide. So far it does
> > > not "Obsolete" Upstart yet, just "Conflicts" with it. With this mail I
> > > want to notify everybody that I am planning to do this change very soon
> > > now (tomorrow?). Then, systemd will be pulled in onto your rawhide
> > > system and is used exclusively for booting (so far, you can still choose
> > > between it and upstart in grub, with a default on upstart), and problems
> > > booting should be reported to systemd in rhbz then.
> > 
> > This seems a little backwards. If we want to support both, then we need
> > to just leave it as 'Conflicts', and we'll just flip the default in
> > comps. By marking it as 'Obsoletes', you effectively make it impossible
> > to still boot with upstart, as it will be removed in any yum update.
>  But then nobody will have systemd by default, it'll requiring using
> "yum shell" to manually move to it and thus. it'll get very little
> testing.
>  I'd suggest one of two things:
> 1. Have systemd "Obsolete: upstart <= 0.6.5-5.fc14", and then bump the
> release on upstart. This means people doing "yum update" will move to
> systemd, but people will have a choice by upgrading upstart.
Yes, this is exactly what I have in mind.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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