Hello and welcome!

Charalampos Stratakis
Associate Software Engineer
Python Maintenance Team, Red Hat

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Moerner" <dmoer...@gmail.com>
To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:45:56 PM
Subject: Self-Introduction: Daniel Moerner

Hi everyone,

My name is Daniel Moerner. I am interested in contributing to Fedora as
a package maintainer. My GPG key fingerprint is BBD6 4965 3FB1 47F3 C7CD
 0A30 CB3D 014E D7F1 B32A. I live in New Haven, CT, where I am a PhD
student in philosophy at Yale University.

My first Linux distribution was Fedora Core 1, and I've been using Linux
full-time since 2007. In my earlier years I contributed to Debian
development, focusing on tools for lightweight WMs (including pekwm,
tint2) and interpreters for functional programming languages (including
ypsilon, smlnj). I was a member of the debian-maintainers keyring from
2009-2010, before stepping down due to lack of time. I am a bit older
now, and I have the time and interest to commit to contributing to
Fedora, which I use on all of my machines.

I have two main areas I want to contribute to in Fedora. First, I am
still interested in functional programming, particularly in Standard ML.
Fedora's support for SML is currently a bit poor, and I hope to work to
improve it. Second, I am interested in games and game emulators,
building on Fedora's recent change in their policy on emulators. I have
already introduced myself to the Games SIG, and I don't want to repeat
too much here.[1] I will just say that I find game emulators fascinating
from both a technical and historical/archival perspective.

I also love documentation, especially man pages. (Who doesn't?) I view
writing manpages and submitting them upstream as part of my role as a
packager. I feel the same way about QA work; I recently wrote and
submitted a basic manpage upstream for a recent practice review I

Recently, I've been spending more time in IRC under my handle, dmoerner.

Here is a link for my first review request, the Game Boy and Game Boy
Color emulator Gearboy, for which I need a sponsor:

I tried to include all the relevant information in the review request
for any potential sponsor.

I look forward to being involved in Fedora!


[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1410651#c1

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