2010/7/14 Brian C. Lane <b...@redhat.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/13/2010 05:38 AM, David Shaw wrote:
>> On 07/13/2010 09:54 AM, Karel Klic wrote:
>>> several users of Emacs and one user of Vim complained in rhbz#574406 [1]
>>> that they can no longer use their editor to open and edit gpg-encrypted
>>> files in Fedora 13.
>>> The reason is that GnuPG 1.4 was deprecated after Fedora 12 release, and
>>> GnuPG 2 was introduced to replace it. However, GnuPG 2 is not entirely
>>> compatible with GnuPG 1.4.
>>> I looked at GnuPG 2 and it seems that it would be very difficult to
>>> modify Emacs and Vim to support it. GnuPG 2 does not allow to enter a
>>> password using shell -- it needs entire terminal (as it uses ncurses
>>> program pinentry-curses).
>>> Text editors can use only shell to send a password to GnuPG.
>>> What about reviving GnuPG 1.4? It is maintained, secure, supported, and
>>> its integration into text editors is used extensively and works well. It
>>> can live alongside GnuPG 2.
>> No disagreement here in that GnuPG (of whatever version) should work with 
>> Emacs and vim.  That should be fixed.  However, as a GnuPG developer, I'd 
>> like to suggest another reason for keeping both GnuPG 1.x and 2.x: although 
>> there is significant overlap, they're not really aimed at the same problem.  
>>  1.x is aimed at servers where its "all in one" construction simplifies 
>> things, or in embedded systems or other places where space is tight.  Some 
>> people also prefer the smaller and more easily reviewed code base and thus 
>> use 1.x as their "desktop" GnuPG.  The version numbering is unfortunate in 
>> that it suggests that 2.x replaces 1.x, but in reality, the 1.x branch is a 
>> maintained product on its own.
>> 1.x and 2.x are designed to be able to be installed together if necessary 
>> (note that the upstream code generates a binary named "gpg2" - the "gpg" 
>> binary in F13 is due to a local patch).  This was done very well in F11.
> This is why I'm so surprised to see gpg be deprecated in f13. Upstream
> is supporting both and the manpage even indicates that the binary should
> be gpg2.
> I don't see any reason for it to have been removed in f13, and am
> willing to help maintain it. I've been a pgp and gpg user since the
> early 90's, I attempted to port pgp to the Atari ST (unsuccessfully I
> should note :) ) at one time.
> - --
> Brian C. Lane <b...@redhat.com>

Please fill a Review Request for gnupg in bugzilla, if no one opposes
reviving gnupg in koji .

Chen Lei
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