This may be of interest for some folks. Check out the message below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Johnny A. Solbu <>
Date: Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:02 PM
Subject: [dev] Call for help: Forking Grip

Hello fellow developers.
Hope everyone is having a good Christmas. :-)

I have been thinking for some months now about forking Grip, the GTK
cd ripper. Mainly in order to ensure it's still usable and included in
th various distributions, as it is my prefered cd ripper.
The last release was in june 25, 2005, and it show all the signs of
being abandoned. No development, no answering of bug repports.
I have been thinking for a few years that unless someone steps up and
try to continue it's development, it might one day be to much work to
package it and it would be dropped. I know that debian dropped it some
years ago.

Today I made the big step and forked it. The code is in a git repo at
The main reason for using sourceforge and not Github is file hosting.
I like SourceForges file hosting capabillities. Yes, one can tag
versions in git, but it's not the same.

I am (stil) not a programmer, so at least currently it is not much I
can do with regards to the coding. But I can implement small changes,
check and apply patches that come in, and so on.

So if any one want to help continue the development, join me.

If you have patches that should be implemented, join the development
team or open a ticket at the SF-project.
I have applied the Mageia patches, and one from Arch linux.

For the time being, the project name is grip2, but the binary and so
on is the same. At least for now.

Johnny A. Solbu
PGP key ID: 0x4F5AD64DFA687324

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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