On 11/21/2016 04:32 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 20.11.2016 v 02:11 Dennis Gilmore napsal(a):
>> koji authentication will be switching to Kerberos. Koji supports multiple 
>> authentication mechanisms. Fedora infrastructure has set up a freeipa 
>> instance 
>> internally that has credential syncing to fas. We are working on ensuring 
>> that 
>> gssapi caching is supported so that you can have multiple TGT's and the 
>> ability to work in multiple reams at once.

See my other email. I think the issue is that we are missing a krb5.conf.d
snippet to ensure that the FEDORAPROJECT.ORG TGT is used regardless of whichever
ticket happens to be the current default.

> BTW it would be nice, if it works with SSSD somehow and I don't need to
> use kinit at all.

That is being worked on. I've asked Jakub Hrozek to come talk about the upcoming
SSSD KCM work (targeted for F26).

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