2016-11-18 15:53 GMT+01:00 Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com>:
> On 18 November 2016 at 02:39, Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>   Hi,
>>> > Apples and oranges. There's no installer on ARM. There's no need to wipe
>>> > all your data on a desktop system that you have one unit of.
>>> Yes, there is, we support anaconda just like on all the other arches.
>>> It's not as widely used as people like to just consume the disk images
>>> but it is supported and tested across a wide range of boards. We're
>>> even working on adding CI to do this across a lot of boards on a
>>> nightly basis.
>> Yea, but it is still apples and oranges IMO.
> And I hate the phrase comparing apples and oranges. Apples and oranges
> are both fruit. They both grow on trees. Apples are closer related to
> roses, but both are members of the rosid family. Both fruit contain
> Vitamin C though oranges have more. I can go on quite a while with
> valid useful comparisons.. but my "you are ranting" buzzer has gone
> off.
>> On a arm board you can swap the sdcard in seconds.  Then run tests
>> (images / anaconda / whatever).  Then put back in the original sdcard
>> and things continue to work just fine like they did before you ran the
>> tests.  Try that with a macbook.
>> Also buying a separate device for testing purposes is much less of a
>> problem with arm boards as the costs for that are an order of magnitude
>> lower compared to a mac ...
> For that sort of comparison then comparing Macs to any other consumer
> desktop is not possible and is its own category of hardware. I can buy
> 2-3 equivalent memory/cpu/video ASUS systems for a Macbook. They may
> not be as well engineered or as pretty but they are functional and do
> allow me to change out memory and disks much more easily than a Mac.
> Does that mean we shouldn't compare them for working? If we can't then
> we really need to make this a focus early on in a release with people
> wanting it helping out.. <hint, hint>

I do not really get you point here. I wanted to buy an ASUS but it
didn't work then* (it seems to be solved now).

* https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73530


>> cheers,
>>   Gerd
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> Stephen J Smoogen.
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