On Fri, 2016-10-28 at 04:53 +0100, Sérgio Basto wrote:
> Hello, 
> Adam Williamson wrote today in reply of one question (made by me) : 
> "Hmm, actually, maybe it currently doesn't, but it definitely has
> before:
> http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/updates/testing/20/x86_64/comps.xml
> But basically, any repo can have comps data and dnf will respect it;
> you can set up an external repo with comps data that lists some package
> from that repo as being in the `standard` group, for instance, and when
> it installs the `standard` group, dnf will include that package. AFAIK
> this has always been intended to work. I'm not sure how often it gets
> tested. "
> Goggled and found http://rpmfusion.org/comps , so maybe we should add 
> rpmfusion-comps repo (to archive) , in
>     https://github.com/rpmfusion-infra/rpmfusion-comps/ 
> like fedora-comps , btw comps was talked here in rpmfusion in 2007 [1]
> , and if we need generate comps.xml , we also may talk in Appstream ,
> we need generate something isn't it ? And since remxis depends on
> comps.xml (If I am correct), also talk about RPMFusion remixs, not
> propose generate the remixs , but at least update remix specs [2], and
> be able do remix in a local machine . 
> About appstream [3], can I add/update the missing packages for Fedora
> 23 ? and close the review request after that? 

There's an RPM Fusion mailing list for discussing that project in more
detail, I only mentioned it in passing as an example. Please discuss
plans for comps and/or appstream in Fusion on that list, not here.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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