On Mon, 2016-10-24 at 16:12 -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 07:39:19PM +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> > Hmmm. I think I don't consider it duplicated information. A commit
> > messages in the VCS afaics is something that is written for other
> > developers that want to understand/track changes (now or in the future).
> This was my first thought too -- but then, there's also dist-git, which
> may be what this refers to.

It is, but the distinction still holds. The intended readers of the
dist-git commit messages are the distribution packagers: the package
'developers'. The intended readers of the RPM changelogs are the RPM
consumers, i.e. users (albeit users with the moderate level of savvy
necessary to read RPM changelogs).

>  I wouldn't be completely opposed to phasing
> out in-package changelogs in favor of some tool which presents that to
> users in a nice way. (dnf plugin!)

Please, no, don't do that. RPM is a standard, the changelog is part of
that. It would be pretty crappy to just declare we're going to stop
using RPM changelogs and bake some random new idea into our distro's
packaging tools instead.

Note that we can still read RPM changelogs back to 1998, but it's a lot
harder and/or impossible (I'm still not quite sure if anyone still
actually has a copy of the data) to read all the CVS commits from when
we were storing packages in CVS, let alone whatever we were doing
before that.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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