On 8 July 2010 18:04, Jonathan Dieter <jdie...@lesbg.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 17:33 +0200, Michael Schroeder wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 10:24:13AM +0200, Michael Schroeder wrote:
>> > It's not that hard to fix, there's no need to keep the "target"
>> > rpm in memory at all. The "source" rpm can be limited to some
>> > max size with the down side that the end of the "target" rpm
>> > cannot match the start of the "source" rpm anymore. This shouldn't
>> > do much harm in the real world.
>> >
>> > I've already looked at the code, it shouldn't be much work to
>> > implement. I'll try to do it this or next week.
>> Ok, the current git version now understands a '-m <mbytes>'
>> option that limits the memory usage.
>> The downside is that now the deltarpm must be held in memory,
>> but it should be small in most cases.
> Built for Rawhide and available at
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=182465 until it
> gets pushed.

FWIW, this now appears fixed for me. The entire latest push came down
in deltas so thanks to whoever sorted this (Jonathan?)

Christopher Brown
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