On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 5:04 PM, Julien Enselme <juj...@jujens.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I discovered this morning that a package I co-maintain was retired
> (ccnet [1]) because one of its dependency was retired (libzdb [2]). I
> learned it only because we have an open bug on it that change assigner
> because of this fact. I'll call this notification thanks to luck.
> Is there a way to be notified as soon as a dependency is orphaned so
> the (co-)maintainer can take action as soon as possible?
> I think the usual way is to send a notification message to devel but it
> relies on sending/reading the mail (I personally forgot ccnet relied on
> libzdb). In this case, I can't find one. But I may have missed it.
> Could this simply be because I am only a watcher and committer (neither
> POC nor admin) of this package or should we find a way to improve this?

Keep watching devel list for "Orphaned Packages in <branch>" emails.
The latest one[1] shows that libzdb is in orphaned state since last 15


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