On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 11:34:25AM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Till Maas (opensou...@till.name) said: 
> > Since these groups do not share a common prefix unique to all critical
> > path comps groups, I want to propose to change this. E.g. there could
> > be 
> > a) a critical-path-core group with the same contents as core
> > b) or with only a groupreq on core
> > c) or the critical-path-base group could get a groupreq on core.
> groupreqs are not a functional item. If we assume that 'core' is the
> only exception, is it really that bad?

Yes, it makes it easier to make mistakes if people assume that these
commands affect all critical path updates:

yum groupinfo -v critical-path\*
yum --filter-groups=critical-path\* (requires yum-filter-data plugin)

Which people do, because these commands have been posted on this list
and nobody objected that the group core is missing. Also with the group
core, the command line for the second comamnd will become nearly twice
as long and everything is more complicated for everyone everytime
instead of the few times the comps groups are edited.


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