On Tue, 2016-10-04 at 18:28 +0200, Karel Volný wrote:
> > Recently several reports of people getting 'duplicated packages' and
> > 'kernel updates not working' have come through to us in QA from Fedora
> > 24 users. I managed to get one reporter to explain more specifically
> > what happened, and it sounds a lot like what's happening is that
> > something in the 'dnf update' process can cause a GNOME or X crash,
> LXQT in my case, so more X than GNOME crash
> is there a bug I can subscribe to?

Not yet (AFAIK), I'm trying to walk the reporter who's currently in
#fedora-qa through filing one. abrt is showing an X crash for him,
indeed. If you have hit this and you still have the system live, you
should be able to find the X crash in abrt and report it.

> > Otherwise, at least run 'dnf update' in a VT -
> > hit ctrl-alt-f3 to get a VT console login prompt, log in, and do it
> > there. Don't do it inside your desktop.
> or better (IMHO) - run it using `screen` ;-)

I think whether that's better or not depends on exactly how the
screen/tmux server process was run...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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