On Thu, Aug 04, 2016 at 05:02:56 +0100,
 Sérgio Basto <ser...@serjux.com> wrote:
From list of koji builds [1] rawhide and F25 uses pre 4.8. My question
is kernel-4.7.0-2 doesn't land on F24 and F23 ? , since kernel 4.6
already have a short live and 4.7 fix my cpu-freq kernel ooops , I vote
in have kernel-4.7 in stable releases :).

It will probably be there eventually. Usually the .1 or .2 releases make it to released versions of Fedora.

You might want to read this blog entry from a member of the Fedora kernel team: http://jwboyer.livejournal.com/51935.html
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