2016-07-23 10:03 GMT+02:00 Zygmunt Krynicki <m...@zygoon.pl>:
> Hello
> My name is Zygmunt (zyga) Krynicki. I’ve been using various distributions of 
> Linux for the past 15 years. I helped create the Linaro’s LAVA test system, 
> Ubuntu’s Checkbox hardware testing toolkit. Most recently I’m involved with 
> Snappy where I am responsible for the interface system.
> My main focus will be to maintain the Snappy stack in Fedora. This involves 
> the packaging (snapd, snap-confine and a few golang dependencies), upstream 
> snappy support for SElinux and overall architecture support so that snaps 
> work on every computing environment.
> I’m excited to join this community and to work on making snaps at home in 
> Fedora
> Best regards
> ZK

Welcome to the Fedora community!

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