On 2016-07-01, Petr Pisar <ppi...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 2016-07-01, Petr Pisar <ppi...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 2016-06-29, Petr Pisar <ppi...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> We could download root.logs from Koji and grep them for "Package
>>> perl-4:\S* is already installed, skipping". That should provide some
>>> data.
> [...]
>> the logs cannot be used for that purpose.
> I commenced "dnf repoquery --requires --tree" to resolve build-time
> dependencies for all 19483 Fedora packages. It will take 17 hours to
> finish.
Somehow binary packages slipped into the list of source packages.
Without them, the final result shows 8880 of 17951 packages (49 %)
install "perl" package into build root.

I was surprised why so many packages. A skim to the log shows for
example these chains:

various autotools-driven C packages → autoconf → perl
*-fonts.src → fontpackages-devel → rpmdevtools → perl
some jenkins-*.src → jenkins-junit-plugin → findbugs → perl
ghc-*.src → ghc-Cabal-devel → ghc-array-devel → ghc-base-devel → ghc-compiler
    → perl
globus-*.src → globus-common-devel → globus-common → perl-Exporter → perl
gnome-*.src → glib2-devel → perl
various KDE packages → qt5-qtbase-devel → perl
php-*.src → php-phpunit-PHPUnit → php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage
    → php-phpunit-Version → php-composer-semver → perl
some rubygem-*.src → git → perl
R-*.src → R-core → perl 

I don't know if the 49 % means something. Probably that either we remove
the Perl or we don't, it will does not affect vast majority of the
packages. Provided the fewer packages are in the minimal build root the
smaller chance of breaking it is, I think the removal still makes sense.

-- Petr
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