On Sat, 3 Jul 2010 18:08:03 +0800, Chen wrote:

> I'm fully agree with you, but there are some maintainers who don't
> respond on bugzilla at all or for a very long time. They may be still
> active on koji, but they don't respond even when you attach a
> patch/spec to solve known issues or request for co-maintainership.
> Obviously, they cannot be defined as nonresponsive package
> maintainers, so we have no process/policy to treat those packages.

Not responding => non-responsive.

For non-upgrade patches, the provenpackagers' guidelines make it
possible to apply those fixes if the maintainer doesn't do that. The
maintainer _should_ see the commit, and you are even permitted to
submit a build request after a few days.

It just doesn't work, if some maintainers hate Fedora bugzilla or private
email and prefer IRC. Or if others don't seem to see cvs commit notifications
or pkgdb requests.

> I filled dozens of reports in bugzilla to request for updating long
> unmaintained packages(more than 3 years) several months ago, no
> packager respond yet.

IMO you've waited too long to see a response from those people. You
could have started the non-responsive maintainer procedure much sooner.
And if it results in a quick reply and NOTABUG/WONTFIX closing of your
tickets, contact FESCo and ask for a mediator.
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