On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 04:47:45 -0500
Bruno Wolff III <br...@wolff.to> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 06, 2016 at 11:39:11 +0200,
>   Jan Pazdziora <jpazdzi...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> >What is the plan for the 22 active tickets at
> >
> >     https://fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts/report/1
> >
> >? Are reporters expected to recreate them in bugzilla or will they by
> >migrated en masse?  
> The task tickets are essentially moot at this point and don't need to 
> get migrated.

Yeah, I was hoping to go through the tickets and close out the ones
that are moot and migrate the ones that still matter. 

It looks like a few folks have already re-filed things based on this
thread. ;) 

> There was also a bit of discussion at one point of trying to have
> some separation of spin-kickstarts bugs by spin as different groups
> care about different aspects of the package.

Yeah, I'd like to see if we can play with bugzilla subcomponents here,
but haven't had time yet. 
> The trac instance seemed to be more of an internal (for people in the 
> spins SIG) tracker for tasks and the like, and actual bugs were
> typically tracked in bugzilla.



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