On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 04:07:28PM -0400, Eric Griffith wrote:
> On May 31, 2016 15:44, "Adam Williamson" <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 15:26 -0400, Eric Griffith wrote:
> > > What if the Anaconda team changed it so the "Make this user an
> > > administrator" checkbox also enabled linger?
> >
> > anaconda team is (rightly) opposed to anything like this, in terms of
> > magic code in anaconda that changes things. All that box does is put
> > the user in the wheel group (and maybe tell PolicyKit they're an admin,
> > I forget if that's a separate thing or not). It does not and will not
> > do anything else. Anything else has to be achieved in terms of saying
> > 'wheel members / PK admins can do X'.
> Fair enough, reasonable position. Would this avenue be reasonable /
> acceptable / possible, then? Can logind read and respond to policykit? Such
> as "members of wheel can linger"? I'm not familiar enough with the
> internals of either logind or policykit to know how interconnected they can
> be.

logind already uses polkit. Current polkit policy installed by systemd
in fact is already more permissive than what you propose: it allows
*any* user to enable lingering for themselves. So enabling it for
wheel-members/other-admin-users wouldn't make much sense. But if the
current policy was ever changed (either upstream or locally), using
this kind of policy would make a lot of sense.

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