On 29 May 2016 at 17:05, mastaiza <mastaiza...@gmail.com> wrote:
> and I think that at least half of the works on redhat

Just because someone is paid by Red Hat does not mean they are paid to
work on Fedora. They usually have a 60 hour a week job doing some
other thing on some other product. Only around 20 people are paid to
work on Fedora directly. Everyone else is volunteering when they have
time with the energy they have. Red Hat also sees no direct revenue
from Fedora so this is mainly Research and Development work.

> faster to find a new distro

That is always an option. Ubuntu may be more aimed at the type of
usecase you are looking for. SuSE may be a better community fit. Arch
may be the OS which moves at the speed you want.

That is the beauty of many distributions... if you are not happy, it
is very easy to find the distribution which meets your needs better.
So please go find the distribution and community that meets your needs

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> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Stephen J Smoogen.
devel mailing list

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