On 27 May 2016 19:25, "Gerald B. Cox" <gb...@bzb.us> wrote:
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:15 AM, James Hogarth <james.hoga...@gmail.com>
>> On the bug you said a dnf reinstall ... that's not the best thing to
do... you need to dnf mark installed as per the earlier comments on the bug
> Wouldn't the reinstall accomplish that?  I agree, the solution in the
release notes is concise, easy and quick - and the impact of having some
> packages on a system isn't that big of deal (at least not to me) - but if
you reinstall, the package would be marked as user installed wouldn't it?
I'm not entirely certain of the answer to that, though it should be quick
to test when I get to a machine later.

But in terms of efficiencies reinstall does a full reinstall of the
package, including download and and scripts. Doing mark installed just
tells dnf what the world is meant to look like.
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