On 09-05-16 17:32, Tom Callaway wrote:
On 05/06/2016 05:30 AM, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Tom Callaway <tcall...@redhat.com
<mailto:tcall...@redhat.com>> wrote:
On 05/04/2016 05:20 AM, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
> Does this mean that most console emulators (i.e.
> NES/SNES/MasterSystem/Genesis emulators) are now acceptable in Fedora?
Subject to the guidelines as written, yes.
A clear example of something that would now be permitted would be MAME
(because it is now Free Software and meets the new criteria).
What about Spectrum ROMs:
Are they acceptable under the Fedora firmware exception criteria?
No, because of the commercial distribution restrictions.
Did you see this clarification bit on the no commercial use
restriction? :
"Naturally I imagine that some emulator writers want to charge a shareware fee
for the code they have
written and we have absolutely no problem with that as long as they aren't, in
any sense, charging for the parts of the code that are
(c)Amstrad and (c) Sinclair."
AFAIK there are similar restrictions on some acceptable font
licenses ...
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