
to answer the question about dates of FESCo elections: we have a
schedule for it [1]. The exact dates of Elections are driven by Fedora
release. We typically start a week after GA with preparations; two
weeks after the GA we start with Nominations period; etc... If a
Fedora release slips, the Elections period slips as well. The current
date for Result announcements of these Elections is planned for

[1] https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-elections.html


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:
> ===================================
> #fedora-meeting: FESCO (2016-05-06)
> ===================================
> Meeting started by nirik at 16:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available at
> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-05-06/fesco.2016-05-06-16.00.log.html
> .
> Meeting summary
> ---------------
> * init process  (nirik, 16:00:23)
> * #1576 Evaluate Workstation graphical upgrade Change status  (nirik,
>   16:08:06)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1576   (nirik, 16:08:06)
>   * AGREED: Change should move forward. QA and FESCo and developers will
>     work to find a acceptable testing process. (+5,0,0)  (nirik,
>     16:16:23)
> * #1444 updates deliverables  (nirik, 16:18:44)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1444   (nirik, 16:18:44)
>   * will check back on this next week to gather info about last
>     deliverable  (nirik, 16:20:23)
> * #1514 Policy for autogenerated code  (nirik, 16:20:50)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514   (nirik, 16:20:50)
>   * AGREED: agree with sgallagh's answers in
>     https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514#comment:7 (+5,0,0)
>     (nirik, 16:28:37)
> * #1570 F24 Changes not in ON_QA status (<100% completed)  (nirik,
>   16:29:08)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1570   (nirik, 16:29:08)
>   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1238426   (nirik,
>     16:30:25)
>   * AGREED: Approve the "Cloud MOTD" change (+5,0,0)  (nirik, 16:37:16)
> * #1571 need guideance of what exactly needs to be built from source for
>   Fedora Media Writer  (nirik, 16:38:59)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1571   (nirik, 16:38:59)
>   * AGREED: will ask for a new f25 change with updated scope and
>     information.  (nirik, 16:41:28)
> * #1575 non-responsive packager: roma  (nirik, 16:41:48)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1575   (nirik, 16:41:48)
> * 1568 F25 Self Contained Changes  (nirik, 16:48:19)
>   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1568   (nirik, 16:48:19)
> * Open Floor  (nirik, 16:53:28)
>   * FESCo elections coming up soon.  Start thinking if you want to run!
>     (jwb, 16:57:23)
> Meeting ended at 16:58:43 UTC.
> Action Items
> ------------
> Action Items, by person
> -----------------------
>   * (none)
> People Present (lines said)
> ---------------------------
> * nirik (96)
> * jsmith_work (30)
> * number80 (29)
> * jwb (28)
> * maxamillion (25)
> * zodbot (15)
> * mattdm (11)
> * rtnpro (8)
> * handsome_pirate (8)
> * danofsatx (1)
> * sgallagh (0)
> * paragan (0)
> * kalev (0)
> * jsmith (0)
> * dgilmore (0)
> --
> 16:00:23 <nirik> #startmeeting FESCO (2016-05-06)
> 16:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May  6 16:00:23 2016 UTC.  The chair is 
> nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
> 16:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link 
> #topic.
> 16:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco_(2016-05-06)'
> 16:00:23 <nirik> #meetingname fesco
> 16:00:23 <nirik> #chair maxamillion dgilmore number80 jwb nirik paragan 
> jsmith kalev sgallagh
> 16:00:23 <nirik> #topic init process
> 16:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
> 16:00:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jsmith jwb kalev maxamillion nirik 
> number80 paragan sgallagh
> 16:00:30 <nirik> who all is around for a fesco meeting?
> 16:00:36 <mattdm> hallo!
> 16:00:45 <nirik> I know dgilmore, sgallagh and kalev were not going to be 
> around...
> 16:00:52 <number80> .hello hguemar
> 16:00:53 <zodbot> number80: hguemar 'Haïkel Guémar' <karlthe...@gmail.com>
> 16:01:12 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion
> 16:01:13 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' 
> <maxamill...@gmail.com>
> 16:01:21 * handsome_pirate observes
> 16:02:08 <nirik> so thats 3... we may not make quorum today.
> 16:02:39 <mattdm> hmmm.
> 16:02:48 <jsmith_work> .hello jsmith
> 16:02:52 <zodbot> jsmith_work: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fed...@gmail.com>
> 16:02:53 <jsmith_work> Sorry, running a few minutes late
> 16:03:02 <mattdm> I'd like to know the fate of the workstation graphical 
> update plan
> 16:03:48 <nirik> mattdm: well, kalev and hugsie aren't going to be here 
> today, so not sure what we can get done today...
> 16:04:08 <nirik> it sounded like the plan was to push a f23 update with stuff 
> disabled and have a way to enable it for testing...
> 16:04:09 <mattdm> okay. that means it _definitely_ can't be mentioned in the 
> rh blog announcement
> 16:04:13 * danofsatx watches from sidelines
> 16:04:14 <nirik> yeah. ;(
> 16:04:25 <mattdm> hopefully for the fedora annoucement and blogs, we can have 
> a link, though
> 16:05:01 <nirik> yeah, that would be nice. I know a lot of people jump over 
> on Beta these days.
> 16:05:39 * nirik waits a few more minutes to see if paragn or jwb arrive...
> 16:05:39 * handsome_pirate jumps on a day or so after branch :)
> 16:07:17 <jwb> i'm 1/2 here today
> 16:07:47 <nirik> ok, thats quorum then (well, minus a bit) :)
> 16:08:06 <nirik> #topic #1576 Evaluate Workstation graphical upgrade Change 
> status
> 16:08:06 <jwb> i promise to read logs fully if i fall behind before voting on 
> anything
> 16:08:06 <nirik> .fesco 1576
> 16:08:06 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1576
> 16:08:08 <zodbot> nirik: #1576 (Evaluate Workstation graphical upgrade Change 
> status) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1576
> 16:08:15 <nirik> mattdm wanted us to look at this first...
> 16:08:59 <jwb> i actually read this one over.  i agree with sgallagh in the 
> ticket and i think this should go ahead and we can re-evaluate closer to GA
> 16:09:28 <nirik> me too. I like the idea of a f23 update with stuff disabled 
> and enableable via some key or the like...
> 16:09:40 <maxamillion> sounds good to me
> 16:09:43 <nirik> that way people can test it
> 16:09:43 <jsmith_work> That sounds fine to me
> 16:10:48 <jwb> nirik: yes, that seems reasonable as well
> 16:11:11 <nirik> so, can anyone articulate a proposal we can vote on/approve 
> here?
> 16:12:33 <jsmith_work> Proposal: Allow Workstation graphical upgrade in an 
> F23 update (disabled) with a key to enable for testing
> 16:12:34 <nirik> proposal: Change should move forward. QA and FESCo and 
> developers will work to find a acceptable testing process.
> 16:13:04 <nirik> either way +1
> 16:13:12 <jsmith_work> +1 to nirik's proposal
> 16:13:23 <maxamillion> +1
> 16:14:13 <nirik> number80 / jwb ^
> 16:14:17 <jwb> +1
> 16:16:13 <number80> +1
> 16:16:23 <nirik> #agreed Change should move forward. QA and FESCo and 
> developers will work to find a acceptable testing process. (+5,0,0)
> 16:16:46 <mattdm> I'd like is a page (fedora magazine article?) showing the 
> process for enabling testing...
> 16:16:57 <jsmith_work> mattdm: +1
> 16:16:58 <mattdm> ("What I'd like is..")
> 16:17:03 <maxamillion> mattdm: who are you asking that of?
> 16:17:06 <mattdm> and then I can link to that
> 16:17:09 <nirik> yeah. I don't think the code is even written yet, but yeah
> 16:17:13 <mattdm> maxamillion: I guess Workstation developers?
> 16:17:16 <mattdm> Or QA?
> 16:17:25 <maxamillion> mattdm: rgr
> 16:17:28 <nirik> sounded like kalev was going to work on it.
> 16:17:36 <mattdm> Heck, if I know what the procedure is, I can write the page
> 16:18:11 <jwb> yay kalev
> 16:18:44 <nirik> #topic #1444 updates deliverables
> 16:18:44 <nirik> .fesco 1444
> 16:18:44 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1444
> 16:18:45 <zodbot> nirik: #1444 (updates deliverables) – FESCo - 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1444
> 16:19:11 <nirik> maxamillion: any chance to talk to groups about updating 
> deliverables?
> 16:19:56 <maxamillion> nirik: yes, there was one deliverable left that needed 
> more discussion though so probably need to defer
> 16:20:06 <nirik> ok, fair enough.
> 16:20:08 <nirik> next week?
> 16:20:13 <maxamillion> nirik: should be good, yes
> 16:20:23 <nirik> #info will check back on this next week to gather info about 
> last deliverable
> 16:20:26 <nirik> thanks
> 16:20:30 <maxamillion> certainly
> 16:20:50 <nirik> #topic #1514 Policy for autogenerated code
> 16:20:50 <nirik> .fesco 1514
> 16:20:50 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514
> 16:20:51 <zodbot> nirik: #1514 (Policy for autogenerated code) – FESCo - 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514
> 16:22:07 <jsmith_work> I'm perfectly fine with sgallagh's suggestion on the 
> ticket
> 16:22:52 <nirik> me too
> 16:22:55 <number80> The same but what's legal input?
> 16:23:09 <maxamillion> yeah, I'm on board with that but would also be 
> interested in what legal has to say
> 16:23:16 <number80> or is it totally left to our appreciation?
> 16:23:54 <jwb> legal just pointed to the existing page
> 16:24:01 <jwb> so they think it covers this ticket already
> 16:24:05 <number80> then, let's vote on sgallagh proposal
> 16:24:39 <nirik> yeah, not 100% clear to me, but I think that answers 
> everything still pending.
> 16:25:26 <nirik> proposal: agree with sgallagh's answers in 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514#comment:7
> 16:25:31 <number80> +1
> 16:25:33 <jsmith_work> +1 from me
> 16:26:04 <nirik> +1
> 16:26:17 <handsome_pirate> right quick
> 16:26:18 <maxamillion> +1
> 16:26:18 <handsome_pirate> question
> 16:26:35 <nirik> go ahead?
> 16:26:36 <jsmith_work> handsome_pirate: Go ahead...
> 16:26:38 <handsome_pirate> What if the source, as released by $upstream is 
> pregenerated?
> 16:26:53 <handsome_pirate> As in, if I go to pypi, the tarball is all 
> pregenned code
> 16:27:01 <handsome_pirate> or mostly so
> 16:27:23 <number80> then, it has to ship master sources somehow
> 16:27:48 <nirik> right: "It is required that the original source files from 
> which the code was generated be included in the srpm
> 16:28:05 <jwb> +1
> 16:28:13 <handsome_pirate> all right, thanks
> 16:28:23 <nirik> proposal: agree with sgallagh's answers in 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514#comment:7 (+5,0,0)
> 16:28:28 <nirik> oops
> 16:28:37 <nirik> #agreed agree with sgallagh's answers in 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1514#comment:7 (+5,0,0)
> 16:29:08 <nirik> #topic #1570 F24 Changes not in ON_QA status (<100% 
> completed)
> 16:29:08 <nirik> .fesco 1570
> 16:29:08 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1570
> 16:29:09 <zodbot> nirik: #1570 (F24 Changes not in ON_QA status (<100% 
> completed)) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1570
> 16:30:11 <nirik> we have cloud motd left
> 16:30:20 <jwb> i think the trend here is to tell maxamillion that he cannot 
> be responsible for everything because he does not scale ;)
> 16:30:25 <nirik> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1238426
> 16:30:28 <jsmith_work> jwb: +1
> 16:30:34 <maxamillion> jwb: wait, about what?
> 16:30:41 <number80> cloud motd
> 16:30:48 <jwb> "According to developer (rtnpro) the Change is committed and 
> 100% completed. However they do not want to switch the tracking bug to ON_QA 
> till there will be a review completed by Adam Miller."
> 16:31:02 <maxamillion> wait, why me?
> 16:31:10 <nirik> I can spin up a beta cloud image real quick and see if it's 
> done?
> 16:31:12 <jwb> i have no idea
> 16:31:20 <jwb> apparently people think you own this?
> 16:31:32 <number80> maybe, he's confusing with the other M. Miller
> 16:31:35 <jsmith_work> maxamillion: I guess I blindly assumed you had 
> volunteered to test it...
> 16:31:57 <maxamillion> o.O;
> 16:31:58 <jsmith_work> maxamillion: My apologies for assuming wrongly :-(
> 16:32:27 <jsmith_work> rtnpro: Are you around/awake?
> 16:32:54 <rtnpro> jsmith_work, yes
> 16:32:56 <rtnpro> dustymabe had tested the package and gave some feedback
> 16:33:05 <rtnpro> I am working on the issues he had reported
> 16:33:14 <rtnpro> I will push an update tomorrow
> 16:33:23 <maxamillion> rtnpro: +1
> 16:33:26 <number80> rtnpro: is it ready for a beta or not?
> 16:33:33 <rtnpro> there were some SELinux permission issues on atomic host
> 16:33:38 <number80> I mean it does not have to be perfect
> 16:33:46 <number80> that's fixable
> 16:34:21 <number80> then, we can assume, it's on schedule then
> 16:34:29 <jsmith_work> Proposal: Approve the "Cloud MOTD" change
> 16:34:30 <rtnpro> number80, in terms of code, yes, however, I need to fix 
> that SELinux issue in the package
> 16:34:46 <jwb> +1
> 16:34:52 <number80> +1
> 16:34:54 <nirik> it's not yet in though right?
> 16:35:08 <number80> rtnpro: the alternative was to completely drop that 
> feature for F24
> 16:35:18 <nirik> well, to move to f25?
> 16:35:29 <maxamillion> +1
> 16:35:31 <number80> I'm pretty sure that selinux permissions is fixable very 
> soon
> 16:35:38 <number80> nirik: yes
> 16:35:45 <rtnpro> number80, yeah
> 16:36:01 <jwb> out of all the changes, this one seems like the easiest to 
> fudge
> 16:36:02 <nirik> I am looking at a beta cloud image and it's not there yet, 
> but I guess the impact is pretty small really...
> 16:36:10 <jwb> i don't see a reason to defer yet
> 16:36:13 <nirik> so sure, +1 to finish it up and get it working
> 16:36:17 <number80> yup, it's been deferred for too long
> 16:36:31 * nirik tries to count votes
> 16:36:44 <jwb> you have 4
> 16:36:53 <number80> jsmith_work: ^
> 16:37:00 <jwb> oh 5 since jsmith_work made the proposal
> 16:37:05 <nirik> well, jsmith_work proposed, so I assumed it was +1
> 16:37:16 <nirik> #agreed Approve the "Cloud MOTD" change (+5,0,0)
> 16:37:29 <number80> rtnpro++
> 16:37:29 <zodbot> number80: Karma for rtnpro changed to 6 (for the f23 
> release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
> 16:37:33 <nirik> rtnpro: let us know if you run into any issues...
> 16:37:41 <rtnpro> nirik, sure
> 16:38:02 <jsmith_work> Yeah, sorry -- +1 to my own approval
> 16:38:11 <jsmith_work> s/approval/proposal/
> 16:38:17 * jsmith_work can't multi-task today
> 16:38:59 <nirik> #topic #1571 need guideance of what exactly needs to be 
> built from source for Fedora Media Writer
> 16:38:59 <nirik> fesco 1571
> 16:38:59 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1571
> 16:39:26 <nirik> I think we should close this and ask they update and come 
> back with a f25 version of the change...
> 16:39:58 <maxamillion> nirik: +1
> 16:39:58 <jsmith_work> nirik: I was just going to propose the same thing :-)
> 16:40:21 <jwb> +1
> 16:40:33 <number80> +1
> 16:41:08 <jsmith_work> Obviously, +1 from me
> 16:41:13 <nirik> ok, will update the ticket then. ;)
> 16:41:28 <nirik> #agreed will ask for a new f25 change with updated scope and 
> information.
> 16:41:48 <nirik> #topic #1575 non-responsive packager: roma
> 16:41:48 <nirik> .fesco 1574
> 16:41:48 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1575
> 16:41:49 <zodbot> nirik: #1574 (F25 System Wide Change: Removing Perl from 
> Build Root) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1574
> 16:42:23 <jsmith_work> Didn't we approve this last week?
> 16:42:40 <number80> 1575 is new
> 16:42:53 <nirik> oops.
> 16:42:53 <number80> (likely a typo for 1574)
> 16:42:59 <jsmith_work> Ah, that's 1574
> 16:42:59 <nirik> yeah, likely a typo there.
> 16:43:05 * nirik blames sgallagh. ;)
> 16:43:24 <number80> +1 to the request and orphaning all roma packages
> 16:43:39 <number80> at least, the process was done *correctly*
> 16:44:00 <jsmith_work> We may want to add roma to the ticket
> 16:44:18 <maxamillion> jsmith_work: +1
> 16:44:28 <number80> +0
> 16:44:29 <jsmith_work> Proposal: Add roma to the ticket and revisit next week
> 16:44:41 <number80> +0
> 16:44:44 <nirik> well, ok, but they didn't answer anything else...
> 16:44:52 <nirik> not sure thats going to get any response either. ;)
> 16:45:00 <maxamillion> yeah
> 16:45:13 <number80> well, I can wait one more week
> 16:45:21 <jsmith_work> nirik: I'm under no illusions that it will
> 16:45:22 <nirik> and it's been about a year since a koji build or update 
> submission...
> 16:45:22 <maxamillion> actually, I'm inclined to +1 transfer of ownership and 
> orphaning
> 16:45:48 <nirik> yeah, I would perfer just doing it...
> 16:46:04 <number80> middle-ground is transfer ownership right now for 
> php-getid3
> 16:46:09 <nirik> if they do magically appear they still have acls and can 
> comaintain or take ownership back
> 16:46:29 <jsmith_work> Me is fine with doing it now
> 16:46:42 <jsmith_work> Ugh... still can't type
> 16:47:19 <nirik> jwb: ^
> 16:47:26 <jwb> +0
> 16:47:45 <nirik> ok, so I guess we defer to next week then?
> 16:47:50 <jwb> guess so
> 16:47:58 <nirik> thats fine. ;)
> 16:48:15 <nirik> last ticket! :)
> 16:48:18 <maxamillion> woot
> 16:48:19 <nirik> #topic 1568 F25 Self Contained Changes
> 16:48:19 <nirik> .fesco 1568
> 16:48:19 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1568
> 16:48:21 <zodbot> nirik: #1568 (F25 Self Contained Changes) – FESCo - 
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1568
> 16:49:23 <nirik> did we do this one last week?
> 16:49:49 <maxamillion> I thought we did also
> 16:50:01 <maxamillion> errr
> 16:50:09 <maxamillion> actually, I thought we did the week before, I wasn't 
> here last week
> 16:50:36 <jsmith_work> Right... I think I caught just the tail-end of the 
> meeting where it was discussed
> 16:51:23 <jwb> i'm pretty skeptical that storaged is self-contained
> 16:51:31 <jwb> but if you guys already did this then there's no reason to 
> discuss
> 16:52:00 <jsmith_work> Yeah, doesn't sound self-contained to me
> 16:52:06 <nirik> I am sure we did discuss it, but I can't find the logs. ;)
> 16:52:28 <nirik> so, how about we punt this to next week and can close it in 
> the mean time if we figure out the logs.
> 16:52:44 <jsmith_work> nirik: +1, as long as we also ask them to change it to 
> a system-wide change
> 16:52:53 <maxamillion> iirc, it wasn't that udisks2 was going away but 
> certain things were planning to make the switch to storaged
> 16:53:06 <maxamillion> but yeah, +1 to nirik
> 16:53:28 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
> 16:53:34 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor?
> 16:54:20 <jwb> yes
> 16:54:25 <jwb> when are the next fesco elections?
> 16:54:44 <nirik> good question.
> 16:54:45 * jsmith_work will likely miss next week's meeting, or at a minimum, 
> will be late
> 16:56:11 <nirik> should be next month after release?
> 16:56:48 <nirik> last year was june... 
> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Elections&oldid=416869
> 16:56:48 <jwb> think so
> 16:57:00 <jwb> just curious really
> 16:57:23 <jwb> #info FESCo elections coming up soon.  Start thinking if you 
> want to run!
> 16:57:38 * nirik nods.
> 16:57:47 <nirik> If nothing else will close out in a minute...
> 16:58:40 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone!
> 16:58:43 <nirik> #endmeeting
> --
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Jan Kuřík
Platform & Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
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