On 05/02/2016 03:35 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>>>> The reason for not having mass rebuild during F25 development cycle is
>>>> very tight schedule for F25 and we would like to avoid slips in F25 as
>>>> much as possible. That is the main motivation here.
>>> In other words sacrificing quality for marketing reasons - Utterly poor :(
>> It's not sacrificing quality. Mass rebuilds require a great deal of 
>> engineering
>> coordination. We're requesting that such coordination happens in the F26
>> development cycle instead, so we don't end up having another long cycle.
>> There is strong engineering value in having two releases per year: release
>> early, release often. There are many projects that develop through Fedora 
>> that
>> get thrown into disarray when our cycle gets too far out of whack (prominent
>> examples being GNOME and glibc). So given that we needed to extend the F24
>> timeframe early on (and also had a couple slips), FESCo agreed to shorten 
>> F25 in
>> response so that we can still deliver the autumn releases of key projects
>> (without having to re-consider the updates policy like we did for GNOME
>> 3.14->3.16 during the "Year Almost Without Fedora").
>> All of the major stakeholders that usually trigger a mass rebuild (GCC, 
>> glibc,
>> etc.) have been notified directly and are on board with this. This 
>> announcement
>> was to ensure that no one was left surprised by this in case we missed 
>> telling
>> anyone directly.
> Really? The email from Florian on this thread 30 mins prior to this
> one conflicts with that from a glibc PoV and given they're part of the
> toolchain team and they didn't know does the rest of the toolchain
> team agree?

I hadn't read Florian's email yet when I replied here (didn't see it in the 

I had another conversation with them on IRC today. They knew, but when the wrong
schedule was put up they thought FESCo had changed plans. There's also been some
kerfluffle with the strlcat() patches that got pushed out, so we're going to
have to see how that plays out.

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