Greetings, we've been told that the email addresses
for this package maintainer is no longer valid.  I'm starting the
unresponsive maintainer policy to find out if they are still interested
in maintaining their packages (and if so, have them update their email
addresses in FAS).  If they're not interested in maintaining or we
can't locate them I'll have FESCo orphan the packages so that others
can take them over.

If you have a way to contact this maintainer, please let them
know that we'd appreciate knowing what to do with their packages.

* ndipanov - former email

Point of contact:

    rpms/python-autopep8 -- The package autopep8 formats Python code based on 
the output of the pep8 utility ( master f24 f23 f22 )


    rpms/novnc -- VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption 
support ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 )
    rpms/openstack-glance -- OpenStack Image Service ( f23 f22 )
    rpms/openstack-nova -- OpenStack Compute (nova) ( f23 f22 )
    rpms/python-oslo-config -- OpenStack common configuration library ( master 
f24 f23 f22 )
    rpms/python-oslo-messaging -- OpenStack common messaging library ( master 
f24 f23 f22 )
    rpms/python-websockify -- WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol ( 
master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 )


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