On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:42:26AM +0200, František Zatloukal wrote:
> I think i'll be interesting to look into it and find out if Fedora can't
> tweak compiler settings (eg use LTO for critical things like Mesa, Kernel,
> ...). I think it could be interesting fo Fedora users to have this enabled
> if there are not any disadvantages other than compile time, compile memory
> usage and so on.
> What do you think?

There might be some things to look at. But in general, Clear Linux can
do that because they only care about Intel CPUs and, I think, only the
newer versions. We want to also run well on AMD and (probably) older
generations of hardware. So, for example, we use '-mtune=generic'.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
devel mailing list

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