On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 20:25:19 -0400,
  Jens Petersen <peter...@redhat.com> wrote:
> ----- "Bruno Wolff III" <br...@wolff.to> wrote:
> I just suggested the rebuilds as best practice. :)

I'll probably be doing one in F14 to get the latest upstream release, once
I get a bit of a lull. So there should be one before release.

> > None of the ghc related requires (ghc-dataenc, ghc-network, ghc-stm,
> > ghc-utf8-string) were version specific. Does that indicate that the
> > requires
> > were set up improperly or just that these packages didn't have an abi
> > change?
> You should not need those Requires since they are for shared libs.
> Rpm would generate them for you automatically: so they should be
> redundant.  You could pass "-dynamic" to ghc if you want to
> link to the shared libraries.

I am pretty sure I had a build fail in F14 when I didn't list ghc-utf8-string
on a build requires. It didn't happen in F13 though.

I'll drop the reuires though if they get built automatically. And I'll
try out using -dynamic.

Thanks for the advice.
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