On 06/26/2010 07:03 AM, Till Maas wrote:
> Hi,
> is there someone interested in lzip? It is a lmza compression tool, that
> was for a short time used by upstream of one other package of mine.
> Upstream of lzip is very responsive, but since I do not use it at all, I
> have a lack of interest in maintaining it.
> So if you would like to take it, I'll orphan it.
> Regards
> Till
I maintain upx, from which I'm in the process of unbundling lzma-sdk, so 
while this isn't necessarily directly related, I might as well try to 
maintain some consistency if possible.

So, short version, orphan and I'll take it.


- in your fear, speak only peace
   in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

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