#3780: Grant CVS write access for all perl packages to ppisar
 Reporter:  ppisar  |       Owner:  rel-...@lists.fedoraproject.org
     Type:  task    |      Status:  new                            
Milestone:          |   Component:  cvs                            
 Keywords:          |  
 Perl in Ferdora is in big transition to new version. In addition, FTBFS
 for F-14 reports a lot of build failures. There is more than a thousand
 perl packages. It's a lot of work for few people.

 I'd like to help them, however I have commit access only to part of them.
 Thus I'm forwarding all my results to current perl proven packagers. This
 is not ideal and it overloads them. Is it possible to grant CVS commit
 permission for all perl packages (perl packages are CC'd to perl-sig
 group) to me (ppisar)?

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3780>
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